PHONE: 1-844-765-4293

Policy vs Politics is looking to hire individuals for their Content Curation & Publication part-time remote internship to start ASAP. This is a paid internship with a monthly stipend for $500 per month for an average of 8 hours per week (roughly $15 per hour). 

What you’ll get:

Who we’re looking for:

We are looking for college students (both undergraduate and graduate level) with at least a 3.0 GPA that have prior work experience and/or extra curricular involvement on their campus. We are open to all majors but believe students studying business, communications, humanities/language, social sciences or government may be the best fit for this internship. 

We are looking for individuals who possess excellent written and verbal communication skills. Applicants need to have strong project management skills with the ability to organize, present, and communicate messages effectively. Such mediums will be through text, topical and visual organization of content, and effective use of easy to digest formats including efficient layout and design. The ability to work with various databases and good teamworking skills are also required.

What the role entails:

Creating content strategies, researching trending topics, and writing and packaging existing content for our organization’s digital assets including our website and social media platforms. Leveraging existing research and working closely with other members of our team will be essential. In addition you will follow our brand and style guidelines, and adhere to our company and project submission deadlines. You may also be called upon to monitor website statistics and make sure our website and other social media platforms are working properly and to respond to relevant feedback from visitors and subscribers of our content.

Main Responsibilities Include:

Why Is Content Curation Important?

To become a trusted referrer of valuable information. Curation helps to extract the best available content. Research is conducted to verify the source and to ensure accuracy & validation of the data and information we publish.

What is the goal of the content curation and publication process?

To provide high quality, detailed, data supported and source verified content.

Communication and submission of the content

You will report to your supervisor for guidance, research topic approval and to submit curated content for publishing.


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